Prophet Elisha Prayer Shawl Double-Portion, 24-inch Color: White/Brown/Gold

Price: $55.00

Prod. Code: ET1475

Black/Gold, 100% wool.  This brown striped prayer shawl has the double flames on it, and also on the corners, which state in Hebrew Shema Yisrael; translated Hear Oh Israel.  The translation of the Hebrew over the flames on the corners is: Elijah went over to Elisha and threw his mantle (tallit) on him. This is also in Hebrew on the Atarah (collar).  The translation for the Hebrew below the flames is: Let a double portion of your spirit be on me. The Hebrew translation on the crown (collar) is: Behold I am sending you Elijah the Prophet, before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5).  The flames on the corners where the TzitTzit (fringes) are attached states in Hebrew Shema Yisrael; translated: Hear Oh Israel